
Systems to address the critical needs of science education

must include each of these three components.


*  When students are actively engaged with important content - students learn important content. *  Content must be designed from the concepts articulated in the national standards - not just be comprised of activities about those topics. *  Content must be accurate and pedagogy must be based on research-based best practices.














High-Quality Content



*  Simply replacing a text-book or worksheet with an   e-version is not enough. *  Technology must facilitate and promote interactive learning with interactive charts and simulations, relevant video and images. * Technology must offer the ability to follow multiple paths of learning, and opportunities to customize and personalize resources.














Appropriate Technology





*  Build and grow a database of student ideas - correct, incorrect, & partially correct - that can be used to analyze classroom artifacts. *  Analyze student responses & interactions and provide the teacher with a diagnostic assessment and possible interventions. * Monitor & track student data to ensure progress is being achieved.















Artificial Intelligence

 Content & Technology to Advance Student Learning

© 2017   nVizn Ideas LLC

1270 Hendersonville Rd, St 4C, Asheville, NC  28803